electronic island

Neues Atelier es un colectivo radicado en Viena desde 2009

El proyecto de isla electrónica dentro del festival de música de Canarias persigue sumar a la de por sí excelente programación del Festival de Música de Canarias un concierto de música contemporánea con medios electroacústicos.  No es tarea sencilla seleccionar a los compositores adecuados con los que plasmar el momentum de la música electrónica actual, con tantos frentes como compositores, pero creemos que el presente programa  combina…

Jorge Sánchez-Chiong. Als "akustisches Edel-Geröll", "lustvollvirtuosem Farbenspiel", "aufwüllend”, "kompakt”, "hyper-schnell” und "meisterhaft” , wurde das Werk des kubanisch-chinesisch abstämmigen Komponisten von der deutschsprachigen Kritik gelobt (FAZ, Die Presse, Standard). Jorge Sánchez-Chiong wurde 1969 in Caracas/Venezuela geboren, und lebt seit 1988 als freischaffender Künstler in Wien, wo ihm die wichtigsten Ensembles für neue Musik zahlreiche Aufträge erteilt haben.
Seine Werke, die an der Lebendigkeit und Spontaneität einer Improvisation ansetzen, sprengen den Rahmen der Konzertmusik und setzen sich im Bereich des experimentellen Theaters, der Videokunst, Tanz und Elektronik fort. Schwerpunkt seines Schaffens ist die enge Zusammenarbeit mit Künstlern aus verschiedenen Sparten und Stilrichtungen. In elf Ländern wurden seine Werke gespielt; Uraufführungen fanden u.a. im Musikverein Wien, Konzerthaus Berlin, Mozarteum Salzburg, Concerthus Odense/Dänemark, Konzerthaus Wien, Grazer Kongress statt, sowie im Rahmen von den Salzburger Festspielen, Steirischen Herbst und Wien Modern. Er studierte in Wien bei Francis Burt und Michael Jarrell, und ist Mitglied des NewTonEnsembles und Mitbegründer Komponistengruppen Gegenklang.

Germán Toro.  Born 1964 in Bogotá. Composition studies with Luis Torres Zuleta in Bogotá, Erich Urbanner and Karl-Heinz Füssl at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna. Conducting courses with Karl Österreicher and Peter Eötvös. Studies on Electroacoustics and Computer Music in Vienna and at IRCAM in Paris.
His catalogue includes instrumental, electroacoustic and mixed compositions, as well as works in collaboration with graphic design, painting and experimental video. Some of his compositions make reference to artists like Mark Rothko, Adolf Wölfli, Michelangelo, Fernando Pessoa, Jorge Luis Borges, Italo Calvino, Juan Rulfo and José María Arguedas. He has received composition grants from the Colombian Ministry of Culture, the Austrian Republic and the Experimental Studio Freiburg as well as composition prizes in Bogotá, Bourges and Austria (Erste Bank 2001) et al. His works have been performed in Europe, South Korea, North- und South America at festivals like Wien Modern, Klangspuren Schwaz, Synthèse Bourges, Sonorities Belfast, Borealis Norway, Humor y Aliento, Mexico, New Media Art, Daegu und WNMD Stuttgart in collaboration with Ensembles like die Reihe Vienna, On-Line Vienna, Mondrian Basel, New Century Players L.A., Mosaik Berlin und Klangforum Vienna among others. He is co-founder of the NewTonEnsemble.
From 1999 to 2006 he was director of the computer music course at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna, where he was guest Professor for Electroacoustic Composition 2006/07. Since October 2007 he is director of the ICST at the School of Arts, Zurich. The Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology (ICST) at the Zurich Conservatory will act as electronic studio-in-residence and set up a laboratory environment for composition and performance practice using electronic media, a framework in which composers, with or without instrumentalists, can develop and realize new works. Over the two weeks of the course several workshops will also be offered, featuring capabilities and tools of the ICST's artistic research projects. It should also be possible to realize works from the repertoire for instruments with electronics together with other course participants.

Thomas Grill. Born 1972 in Austria. Scientific research in fields of sound perception, analysis and modeling, interactive electronic instruments and artificial intelligence. Development of commercial and open-source software, electronic instruments and interactive media systems. Conception and realization of multi-media installations and live electronics in the context of contemporary music. Scientific publications, lectures and workshops at international institutions and conferences.
Artistic work in most varied fields of audible and trans-media art, ranging from interactive and net-based audiovisual installation and photography to instrumental composition and electro-acoustic group improvisation. Numerous presentations of own compositions and installations at international festivals. Regular appearances as interpreter of composed contemporary music, as well as performer of structural and free improvisation. Ongoing cooperation with renowned artists in the fields of music, poetry, theater, dance and video. Works published on CD and DVD.
Lectureships at the University of Applied Arts and the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. Scientific associate of the Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI). Conception and management of projects in scientific, artistic and commercial contexts. Co-curator of the concert series for contemporary and experimental music “Neue Musik in St. Ruprecht” in Vienna.

Adrian Artacho. Lebenslauf

Wen Liu. Lebenslauf.